Celebrating 20 Years of Y Services 🎉
May 26 2023 – YMCA Gear

Since 2003, Y Services has been supporting the Y’s of Australia. Over the last 20 years, our products, services and initiatives have delivered meaningful value for the Y and beyond the Y. This sustained success is certainly something to celebrate.
When Y Services Pty Ltd was founded (then known as YMCA e-Store), its primary mission was to provide the Movement with YMCA-branded merchandise and uniform and, in turn, help support the Y’s mission. While the name, the look, the services, the Board and the Team have changed and adapted since our inception, we continue serving the Y and unleashing the collective power of the Movement and our brand.
In this special edition blog, you will find a timeline of some of our significant milestones as well as reflections from important contributors and supporters of our business. We have been privileged to have the guidance and sound counsel of no less than five YMCA Life Governors (Richard Edwards OAM, Ross Melville, Caz Bosch MAPS, Bob Romanes OAM and Peter Malone) and the expertise of many dedicated and talented Directors and Executives over the last two decades.
We hope you are as proud and inspired by Y Services and its legacy, as much as we are. Thank you so much for your continued support as we continue our unwavering support and commitment to you. Here’s to the next 20!